Varsity Rugby Donor Recognition
Ernie & Sharon Blake '64
Tom & Marie Brodmerkel '80
Patrick S. Hobin
Stephen J. Leaman '69
Sam & Jane Marrone '66
Paul & Joanne Prager '80
Paul & Nicole Sheehy
Todd & Linda Davis '83
Don & Katherine Faul '98
Jason Hedberg & Mikie Sherrill '94
George & Laura Livermore
Richard & Elizabeth Long '69
Fred & Britlain Malek '88
Dennis & Julie Murphy '81
Benjamin & Kate Pittard '05
Robert & Jessica Pragada '90
Joseph & Kathleen Rixey '83
Jim & Jacqui Schwab ’88
Douglas & Lisa Suriano '84
Ingrid Arneberg
Jim & Suanne Bell
Timothy S. Berger '08
Adam H. Bosma '07
John & Sue Burke '81
William L. Cone '81
John & Julie Coughlin '83
Russ & Mary Dalke
Raymond T. Davis '81
Thomas & Rachelle Dell '92
Ralph & Kelly Dengler '88
John & Mary Donelan '88
David & Catherine Donnelly '88
Jeffery & AnneMarie Freeman '81
Edward & Mary Grinnell '88
William C. Hall '83
James & Donna Hamm '84
Brian F. Hodges '83
Philip & Erin Howe '84
Stephen & Emily Janowsky
Andrew & Melissa Johnson '88
John & Sharon Kyle '87
Dale B. Lawson '69
Malcolm B. LeMay '83
Michael & Kelly Mahre '81
Mike & Pamela McNallen '71
James & Peggy McNeal '86
Dewey & Sharon Meteer '69
Kristopher Moore '14 & Emma Reilly
Dirk & Virginia Mosis '73
Thomas & Jocelyn Munns '83
Brian & Lori Murphy '84
William & Monica Park '88
Dan & Mary Quattrini '81
Devin Smiley '00 & Christi Crovato
John C. Snyder '83
John & Nancy Spiker '77
Gary W. Stasco '81
James & Lori Stewart '83
Robert W. Strong '88
Edward & Barbette Timperlake '69
Thomas & Robin Victory '88
John & Annie Young '86
Robert & Pauline Ahrens '69
Robert & Elizabeth Andretta '65
Katie Ball
Kris & Pamela Belland '84
Charles & Crystal Berry '93
James Bezila & Martha Christinziano
John Bissa '87
Gabrielle & Lucas Blocher '98
Doug & Gina Bomberger '84
Michael & Kimberly Bruneau '94
Patrick & Jean Buckley '84
Caleb Buckley '21
Joseph & Paula Buenavista '87
Wade & Maraika Buick '03
Matthew & Stephanie Bullock
Dustin & Christine Byrum '98
Anthony & Karen Califano '86
Daniel & Tauria Catlin '89
Jerry Chandler '80
Bryan & Michele Cheeseman '89
Lawrence & Shelly Clark '84
Robert & Karen Clydesdale '71
James & Laura Coates
Seraphine & Autumn Codinha '98
Brian & Cindy Costello
Lowell Gwen Crow '84
Kevin & Michele Curry
Ryan & Kate Curry '03
Philip Dalke '21
Victor & Dana D'Andrea '84
Charles & Kathleen Daniels '87
Marc Dapas '82
Bruce & Leigh Davey '69
Greta & Martin Densham '00
Robert DeStafney '78
Henry Dewing '16
Henry & Sara Dewing
Thomas & Denise Doran '86
Douglas & Elizabeth Downing
Peter Dumont '94
Thomas Edwards '77
Dallas Elliston '21
Geoffrey Ellsworth '89
William Erickson '66
John & Johanna Ethridge '98
Michael & Frances Finley '79
Carlton & Mary Ann Fulford '66
John & Barrie Fyfe '65
William & Jean Galloway
Spencer Garrett '69
Jim & Darlene Graczyk
Harold & Katherine Grant '66
Sean & Julie Grunwell '97
Gary & Betty Hall '72
Patrick Harkey '84
Robert & Gayle Haskins '83
Edward & Carol Hawkens '75
Michael & Martha Herb '76
Shawn & Laurie Hilvers '79
Andrea Hovey '03
Kim Howell
Conor Hozey '13
David Hurren '98
Amanda Jackson '16
Jonathan Jewell '87
Vincent & Marcia Johnson '93
Michael & Nancy Kehoe '71
Clayton Kendrick-Holmes
Aileen Kenney '03
James & Patricia King '81
Thomas & Margaret King '84
Robert & Jodie-Ann Liebe '90
Chad Livingston '98
Matthew Luetjen
David & Mary Major '87
Samuel & Kendall Marrone '06
John McAuliffe '15
Michael McGeehan '03
Gregory & Holly McGiffney '85
John McGonagle
Robert & Lisa McLean '85
Connor McNerney '18
Mark Metcalf '76
Richard & Jacquelyne Montgomery '88
Patrick & Emily Morey '05
Ted & Kim Morse '81
Allen & Casey Murphy '05
William & RoyAnn Murray '83
Nicholas Mygas '79
Ralph & Diane Nelson '71
Albert Nelson '80 & Brenna O'Boyle
Dana & Joan Nelson '92
Robert & Jeannette Papadakis '83
John & Julie Pereira '91
James & Donna Petrilla
Sean Phinney '93
Ken & Phoebe Price '91
Michael & Susan Quilty '88
Lon & Georgia Rademacher '87
Stanley & Tomoko Rasbury '84
William Rayburn '94
Liz & Tom Root
Douglas Schueler '88 & Heidi Rodenberger
Michelle Seelinger '03
Bridget Seymour '04
Janice Seymour
James & Lisa Shannon '81
Michael & Patricia Shea '97
Robert Sinram '97
Stephen Skahen '07
Nathan Smith '91
Mark & Lori Springer '89
Henry & Glenn Stoever '88
Russell & Carrie Strange '01
Dale & Dominique Sturdifen
Ashley & Brendan Sullivan '98
William & Sandra Taylor '81
Johnathan Thornton '14
Benjamin Vale '21
Samuel Valley '18
Igor Vladimirov '14
David & Kellie Wasson '90
George & Peggy Watt '73
Jennifer Werner '98
Jacob & Jennifer Womble '06
Siegfried & Jeannie Wulff '87
Frederick & Kathleen Yarger '76
Peter & Maura Young '82
THANK YOU to all our generous donors who got us over the try line through the years!
The names listed here are in special recognition of those donors who supported the final varsity rugby campaign between August 1st, 2021 and March 15th, 2022.

Support Navy Rugby.
“Navy Rugby relies on the generosity of parents, friends and alumni. We greatly appreciate your support. Thank you very much.”
—Gavin Hickie, Director of Rugby